Today is My Mother’s Birthday, and I take this opportunity and this day of 2nd September 2020 to thank my mother, Mrs. Rekha Asthana @ Rekha Srivastav; who has led by example to teach me the true meaning of contentment and the happiness that comes along with it.
Living the six decades of her life successfully, I see her being happy and contented with what she has in her life. I would like to correlate here with one of the yogic principles from the second limb of yoga, the Niyamas which are the virtuous habits or the observances (the Do’s) – And It is SANTOSHA – which means contentment, satisfaction, acceptance of others, acceptance of one’s circumstance as they are to get past them, optimism for self.
Sometimes as her daughter, when I became financially independent, and I could give her so much, she would always say that she doesn’t need anything in life, all she wishes is that everyone is happy and peaceful. At times, I would wonder that even though I can buy so many things, she is unwilling to accept it. So I started gifting her stuff without asking her; it was so much so that we planned her 60th birthday party last year without asking if she would want us to do it or not because I very well knew the answer would have been a BIG NO. I would share some pictures of that party that we threw to pay a time-honored ode to a beautiful person, a devoted wife, a loving mother, and an adorable grandmother.
I feel blessed and proud that she is my mother, from whom I have a lot to learn and a lot to imbibe, I think that I had been leading a shallow life for the past three decades, and off lately, I have begun my journey to follow her footsteps bit by bit. I am trying to imbibe the values carried by her in my life, but how soon I will reach her level is a complicated answer to give right now.
There are times when I will be so occupied with the work that I don’t pick up her calls, and at times I have a conversation for 20 seconds, where she would just give me her blessings and then we would disconnect the phone, but I don’t see her getting angry or annoyed any single time. All she does is shower her blessings for my family and me. At times, and during my pregnancy when she took care of me, I would get so irritable and be rude to her, but all she would do is bestow her love and kindness towards me. I seek your forgiveness mom, for being such a brat. The level of tolerance and patience that she has is mind-blowing. I guess that is a quality of a highly pure soul because even as a mother, I get annoyed when my son doesn’t talk to me or behaves rudely with me.
I genuinely wish that I am able to instill these similar values in my little ones and me.
“Being satisfied with what you have in your life is the biggest gift you can give yourself, as this way, you are gifting yourself the true happiness in life.”
The definition of happiness in our life is very different; we feel happy when someone says something good to us, or good about us, when we get financial gains, when we buy a new house, a new pair of clothes, the latest smartphones, or a new car, etc. The happiness now days is characterized by the joy that we feel upon attaining worldly pleasures and gains. We need to ask ourselves a question: Is it happiness in the real sense, or is it just making us lead such a shallow life that diving deeper doesn’t remain an option anymore?
Roy Baumeister writes about happiness as something that gets in the way of a meaningful life. Happiness is about decreasing stress and conflict and taking rather than giving. In a forthcoming paper about the difference between a happy life and a meaningful life the author writes:-
“Happiness without meaning characterizes a relatively shallow self-absorbed or even selfish life in which things go well, needs and are easily satisfied, and difficult or taxing entanglements are avoided.”
In the end, I would like to clarify here that by being satisfied, I don’t mean you stop striving for a better life or a better home or a better job. But first, you need to be happy with what you have currently, and with an open and balanced mindset, one should move forward while doing your karma with honesty. During this journey, one should also ensure that your hunger to do more or achieve more should not convert into a thirst. And one should put his/ her best foot forward but without any ill feelings towards anyone or anything.
As Mrs. F says: “Root them out, get them gone. All the little bunnies in the fields of corn. Envy, Jealousy, Malice, Pride, they must never in my heart abide”.
A simple example of that would be – ‘Oh my, She has a big beautiful house, it is just like a mansion. Admiring it is absolutely fine. I wish I could have it, aspiring for it is also fine, but the moment you start feeling jealous of her is where the problem begins.’
Love & Regards
Neha Asthana Meena
The Perspective of a New Age Yogin
Arising through Parvati as mother nature, a head given to him by Lord Shiva, The Lord Ganesha is a perfect balance of union of energy (male and female) and their creation together. Ganesha, representing the transcendent truth beyond all name and form. Shri Ganesha teaches us how to unify all the various aspects of our nature and yet transcend our individual limitations to embrace the entire universe.
Celebrating the birth of Lord Ganesha, the cosmic union of Ardhanarishwara (Ardha=half, Nari=female/shakti and Eshwara=epithet for Shiva).
On this auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi , May Lord Ganesha grant you his grace and inspire you to the highest. God of new beginnings and fresh start, wisdom, good fortune and prosperity, Ganesha exists in the most minute and the most vast, the most near and most far, the high and the low what reaches everywhere in an instant and what does not move at all, has the power of Shakti, yet contains the stillness of Lord Shiva.
At the start of our journey from Animality (elephant-animals),
to humanity ( humans)
to Divinity (God),
Lord Ganesha is the first step, as he is the cosmic connection that teaches us the formless essence of all.
Perspective of a New Age Yogini
Neha Asthana Meena
5th September 2020,
Today is Teachers Day, and I would like to thank everyone who has been a teacher in my life, knowingly and unknowingly. You have significantly contributed in making me what I am today. I wholeheartedly thank you all for imparting your words of wisdom, sharing your experiences, your thoughts, your ideas, and your presence around me. I feel blessed that I could become a part of your life in one way or the other. I came across a beautiful quote today which exactly resonates with what I wrote earlier.
“Everyone is a teacher, Some I seek, Some I Subconsciously attract, Often I learn simply by observing others, Some may be completely unaware that I am learning from them, yet I bow deeply in Gratitude. “
My life has been a journey of 3 decades, and at each phase, each one of you has contributed in a different manner, which I would try to mention with the various phases of my life along with the names. In case I miss out on anyone, please forgive me. So this week my posts will be dedicated to the gurus and the teachers of my life who have taught me meaningful life lessons. I would like to begin with the current phase of my life being a loving, wife, mother , daughter-in-law, boss, friend, and student.
My greatest teachers are my kids Divy and Ved who helped me to self analyze myself, as I strongly believe that without analyzing ourselves we cannot move in the right direction. I also feel that a perfect balance between Humanity and Spirituality is the key to live a blissful life in today’s modern times.
So to start with I will precisely be focussing the time period of the Year 2012 to 2020.
1. Dr. Raj Rishi Meena – My best friend, my husband, my companion, my mate , my weakness and my strength. Along with that, he is the best critic of my life. To Be Cont.. in a detailed article later.
2. Mrs. Mohini Meena- My mother in law who taught me how can I move my role from being a girl to a wife to a mother. She helped me transform from a caterpillar to chrysalis and then to a butterfly as she always shielded me like her own daughter.
3. Hon. Mr. Puran Mal Meena ( Puran Mal Meena) Ex High Commissioner My father in law, who taught me the meaning of humility, kindness, punctuality, respect, forgiveness, and true acceptance. He accepted me in his family with open arms. Unlike the other civil service officers, he is the most humble man I have come across in my life.
4. Mr. Maharishi Meena- (Maha Rishi Meena )My brother in law- taught me how to value your resources and utilize them when time comes. A perspective towards preparedness for the future. The value of hard work with persistence and a belief in the idea of start small to reach the big. If you don’t start, you will not even have the chance.
5. Mr. Naresh Sawh (Naresh Sawh)– The 1st Driver of Indian High Commissioner’s Vehicle. I heard for the first time that he was not a religious being, but a spiritual being. A country whose first person I met told me , that he is not religious but believes more on spirituality. Imagine the values and the vibes of that country where people have accepted each other with an open heart irrespective of religion and race. That was the first moment and the first reason for me to fall in love with Guyana, South America.
6. Maya – Our housekeeping, She taught me the high standards of cleanliness and how to value any individual irrespective of their role in our life.
7. Dr. Neville Gobin – My first boss in Guyana, at Woodlands Hospital, Woodlands Limited Georgetown. He taught me how to be punctual, set the correct precedent is always the right thing to do , someone who doesn’t value time can never achieve higher goals. He also told me that time is never right to have another baby, life would go on, and there will be no perfect opportunity to have a second baby.
8. Dr. Shobha Gobin- I learned excellence and authority from her. She was one feminine energy who would mentally stimulate me in Woodlands Hospital.
9. Mr. Memraj Deonarine ( Memraj Deonarine )- My significant learnings came from him during my job at Woodlands Hospital- He taught me practical Human resource management. He is my guru who taught me by the model of GEMBA walks ( All the people with six sigma knowledge will be able to relate with this terminology). How to have an equal respect for all, may it be housekeeping or may it be my directors. He taught me how to be just and fair.
10. Mrs. Shevanie Persaud ( Shevanie Persaud )- she led by example to teach me courage, she is one self-made woman, who even after a deep phase of the struggle, stayed strong and lives life at her own terms.
11. Dr. Madhu Singh – Owner – Dr. Balwant Singh’s Hospital Georgetown. A brilliant female doctor who is highly charismatic, and showed me the potential of feminine energy.
12. Mr. Dharmender – Our Second Driver who taught me to drive my first Automatic Car, Prado in Georgetown and respect specific rules while driving the car, which will make me a better driver than others.
13. Mr. Beharry – He always taught me to treat the money as the raw material.
14. Mrs. Marcia Nadir (Marcia Nadir-Sharma)- Friend – She taught me the fundamental difference between needs and wants. Every year when iPhone would be launched in the market, I would buy it , but she asked me a question, Do I need an iPhone because its not working or do I want it just for the heck of it. She also showed me how to see the positives in what you have, for example the benefits of having siblings of same gender.
15. Mrs. Lisa Beharry (Lisa Beharry )- Freind – She taught me what duties I have as a wife apart from being a new mom. She told me how equally important it is to give your companion / husband time along with your kids. In my perspective, I think it was very important teaching for my life, that till date, Raj and me still stay so strong. In contrast, I have seen in the majority of cases, the women tend to get so involved in the upbringing of their kids, that the husbands are usually last ones to be pleased and land up getting ignored. as we often tell them these exact words, “So what if I don’t give you time, I am mothering and nurturing your kids only.”
16. Mrs. Shabnam and Raj – A great couple from UNDP, who became remarkably close friends of ours during a short stint after my first delivery and before my second pregnancy. I learned from them the equation which a husband and wife can have by being best friends for life. They needed no reason to stay together, they didn’t have kids, they didn’t work together in same organization; they were just there for each other as real-life partners.
17. Mr. Ravi Mangar (Ravi Mangar)- Don’t pamper your kids so much that they cannot face the outside world, which will not be as cozy as the environment that we always provide them at home.
18. Mrs. Sunita Kriplani – She always said that we youngsters don’t value money, and we should even respect the penny that is being spent while having this particular telephone conversation, where she was telling me that we youngsters don’t value money.
19. Mrs. Kruplani- A highly motherly figure, She has been our greatest critic for our improvement in Guyana as business heads.
20. Late. Mr. Pradeep Samtani (Pradeep Samtani) – He taught me how to be an unbiased individual in life, how to live life like a king-size, He was a highly gleeful soul.
21. Mrs. Karen- She is the first African lady who was the first Nanny of my elder son, who taught me how the feeling of love flows from one human being to another irrespective of religion, race or anything.
22. Mrs. Sagarika- My second nanny in India, for my second child, when she left, I understood the fact that the 1st one which you have got maybe the best of the whole lot, and the next ones who will come may not be as good as the first one, so try to see the best in first time. Getting it right the very 1st time is the key.( Another Six Sigma principle). She showed my inner reflection; you become what you think. She also taught me to be contented with what I have rather than finding faults with everything.
23. Dr. Nagendra Sharma (Nagendra Sharma)- My yoga teacher In India – he made me experience a better life by showing me the actual realities of life and women’s conditions in our Patriarchal society. He nurtured my mind to value the life and the family I have, who has given me a comfortable life , respect, and acknowledgment as a woman. It may be personal or professional. He made me realize how lucky I am as a woman to have a beautiful family where my in-laws and husband value me and respect me as an individual.
24. Mr. Alok Agarwal (Alok Agarwal) – My business colleague – He taught me the power of positivity, he taught me how to stay positive and expand my mindset.
25. Mrs. Nidhi Gupta (Nidhi Gupta )– Fashion Designer – Janyas Closet and a Friend – The power of the internet in the fashion industry.
26. Ms. Namita Kruplani – Dietician – Tight That Belt. She taught me my lessons on dietetics.
27. Sadhguru -(Sadhguru )He taught me how to engineer my inner self , and how I am not utilizing my mind to its fullest potential. He also taught me the ways it can be used to discover more of me.
28. Varsha Sutrave – (Varsha Sutrave) from Varsha Sutrave Wellness-Friend, A yoga teacher, Pranic healer – The true essence of yoga. She also showed me how one could channel their energy in the right direction to become the best version of themselves.
29. Mr. Nihar Gupta (Nihar Gupta) – Director- Jhalak Exhibitions- how to handle Indian human resources and employees, the art of negotiations, and effective communication.
30. Mrs. Sweta Kejriwal (Sweta Saraff Kejriwal )- Owner – French Couture, She introduced Ficci to me in Jaipur City, by sharing with me that she is a part of this great organization, and it is the best in Jaipur for Businesswomen.
31. Mrs. Gowri Prakash Bansal (Gowri Prakash Bansal) – Senior- Loreto Convent, Lucknow, Founder- Ficci-Flo Amritsar Chapter – She explained me the concept of Ficci Flo and how an organization like Ficci can help me grow as an individual. She played an instrumental role in my decision to become a Ficci Flo Member.
32. Ficci FLo Jaipur Chapter( Ficci FLO Jaipur Chapter)- The endless learnings which I have gathered via different seminars, events and webinars that I have gathered from April 2019 till date Sept 2020.
33. Mrs. Shweta Chopra – Ex Ficci FLO Jaipur Chapter Chairperson – She taught me the true meaning of humility and how we are just an instrument of almighty. Recently when I wanted to thank Mrs. Shweta by acknowledging her publicly on my social media platform, as in my opinion, I feel, it was because of her I was able to gift my designed saree to the Bollywood actress Mrs. Vidhya Balan. To this she replied that, she was just an instrument and it was my destiny that I had to meet her, and She was glad that she could be a part of that process. She set such a great example of humility and reflection of soul consciousness.
34. Mrs. Wandana Parnami – Chairperson Ficci FLO Jaipur Chapter , She taught me the deep meaning behind the concept of art. She is an inspiration behind my idea of expressing my thoughts by my art as its said ; A picture can speak more than a thousand words. She also said that art is one thing that can connect you to your soul. An Art Inclined person will never feel sad and depressed.
35. My Every Thursday Gita Classes- Eevryone is this class has been a teacher for me and with each passing Thursday the learnings are more and more. However, till date, my major take away from the energy in this class is as follows. We should not judge others’ intentions and actions; instead, we should just introspect ourselves and analyze ourselves and ensure that our intentions for any action and thoughts are correct instead. Self Analysis is key.
36. My Staff at all my business ventures Aagman Indian Restaurant, Aagaman CoutureCarib Basket– showed me my weakness and my strengths as a boss lady. I was able to do my SWOT Analysis with their help correctly. Urvashi BansalKhushboo Goyal
37. Mrs. Rachna Mathur ( Rachna Honey)- A housewife and a friend- She taught me how a female has the power to stay strong in any circumstance.
38 Mr. Karan Vig ( Karan Vig ) – Designer Karan Vig Couture and friend- The attitude towards life full of positivity, strength, and courage. To be able to speak for your rights and to be able to share your opinion publicly. He also taught me how to overcome my camera shyness.
39. Mr. Gaurav Pratap Singh (Gaurav Pratap Singh)- Director Rajasthan Dreams- I learned the facts about the fashion industry. I was so unaware due to the lack of Knowledge as it was completely unexplored territory for me.
40. Amanpreet Chopra (Amanpreet Chopra Bharadwaj)- I learnt from her, how in spite of our busy schedule, we can take out time to for our spiritual growth. She played a huge role in laying the foundation stone of AAGAMAN COUTURE. In the year 2017, she invited me in an exhibition, at Rambagh Palace, where her sister Gurubani and her mother (Manjeet Chopra), who owns Jugni (Jugni Store)- a beautiful phulkari brand were exhibiting. Due to my deep appreciation and love for Lucknowi Chikankari, I chose to wear a Chikan Kurta for that exhibition, As I walked the entire exhibition floor no one had a chikankari stall, and almost 5-6 people asked me from where did I buy such a beautiful kurta, and if can help them source it or give them right contacts. That is when the idea struck me to pursue my passion for fashion and my love for chikankari as a business venture.
41. Mr. Arnab Sarkar ( Six Sigma Trainer ) – He taught me how I could apply the Six Sigma Concepts in our homes and our daily Life’s. Specially the 5 why model- Why, where, what, when & who . Also the Why- Why model helps me handle my kids , my husband, and my household in a more systematic manner.
42. Mrs. Rasi Gupta (Rasi Gupta)- She inspired me to do my Photoshoots for my brand. When I could not get a model due to Covid for Photoshoots, She convinced me that I should do it myself as people will be able to relate more with a real person than a mannequin.
43. Mr. Yash Katyal (Yash_katyal)- Model, Influencer -The power of Social Media in today’s scenario.
44. Mr. Vaibhav Shokhwani ( Vaibhav Showkwani)- Photographer – He taught me and guided me on the usage of various software’s and how to pose infront of the camera.
45. Mr. Narendra Modi (Narendra Modi)- How if every citizen becomes responsible, they can contribute in shaping the future of the nation by following Gandhian principle. He showed the way, that giving rebirth to the Gandhian principles will lead us to have a better country and better humanity.
46. The Father of our Nation- Mahatma Gandhi – A peep into our history reveals that the freedom struggle spearheaded by Mahatma Gandhi witnessed unprecedented endeavors by him to invoke the foundational pillars of Yoga such as 1. Satya (Truth), 2. Ahimsa (Non-violence), 3. Brahmacharya (disciplining of senses and carnal desires), 5. Aparigraha (Non-possession) and 5. Astreya (Non-stealing) to give a much needed moral dimension to liberate India from colonial rule. He integrated these foundational pillars with his other ideals such as 6. Sarva Dhrama Sambhav(Equality of all religions), 7. Sarvatra Bhaya Varjana(Removal of Fear), 8. Swadeshi (use of indigenous and local resources), 9. Sparsha Bhavana (Removal of untouchability) 10. Sharira Shram (Bread Labour) and 11. Aswad (Control of Palate) and framed his eleven vows. He envisioned such a larger vision of self-rule shaped by disciplining of mind, body and senses for the cause of a non-violent social and economic order which would be beneficial for India and the whole world.
I would like to begin with the current phase of my life being a loving, wife, mother, daughter-in-law, boss, friend, and student. My greatest teachers are my kids Divy and Ved who helped me to self analyze myself, as strongly believe that without analyzing ourselves we cannot move in the right direction. I also feel that a perfect balance between Humanity and Spirituality is the key to live a blissful life in today’s modern times.
So to start with I will precisely be focussing the time period of the Year 2012 to 2020.
The whole writing fever which has struck me recently has come from my Uncle Ashwani Kumar , who himself is a great writer, But when he acknowledged my first write up for my Nani and the deep appreciation which i recieved from his peers , My confidence in writing went up. Hence I would love to pay my respect for showing me the power of expression through writing.
I would also love to mention my Sister Nidhi Asthana who never had the time to read my length writeups, and she would often say to me “Oh My God, Neha…!!! That is so long for me to read.” She was the one because of which I started my YouTube Channel, as I thought if she cannot read, she can at least listen to me while doing her work, driving her car, etc.
My passion for fashion makes me ablest in what I gather, what I create, and what I deliver in the form of silhouettes by Aagaman Couture.
It is all about your highs when you start to write .
13th Death Anniversary of My Nani. It took me three decades to understand you and the life energies within you.
NANI – My grandmother, my mother’s mom, the mother of my entire extended family I would say, who gave me a beautiful big family by having seven kids, and those seven kids created our generation which includes 19 of us who are now in the age of 30s & 40s … and who next, in turn, got married … and became mothers and fathers of this current generation of kids, which till date are 12 in total the newest member being few months old. … which includes two of my sons as well one being 3 and one being 5 years old.
A lady who created so many life energies and had an aura that cannot be forgotten by any person who has witnessed her personally. Imagine this whole existence would not have been possible without her…
So it’s safe to say a Mother is the Shakti / basic foundation of any life energy in this universe. As it has been said Shiva was shava (dead) until Shakti met him. The supreme by itself is inert or zero, it is the Shakti that pulsates with life. She is the infinity of forms; it is only at her touch that Shiva can come alive and became the enjoyer of all forms.
There were lots of judgments being passed about her when she lived, because as usual human race/mind is of a nature that does not value what you have in hand till the time that is gone. And for few of us, we were so young or unaware as to why she is being judged for being a hardcore vegetarian, for being so ritualistic about her sadhana/ meditation every day – morning and evening, the world may shake, but her daily sadhana/ meditation ritual will not be missed, She was so humble, so peaceful, so forgiving, so lively, so amazing that words are so less for me to even describe her.
I am in my 30’s (as I cannot reveal my age in an open forum) and it took me almost 30 years to realize how she became such a powerful soul on this earth. My Nani became a widow at an exceedingly early age after having 7 kids, my youngest Mausi was so small that she couldnt understand that her father was no more. In spite of all hardships, She could put it all together, hold it all together, brought up each of her children in an amazing manner and also children of other families who needed her in that time, she was loving and caring for all of them irrespective of they being hers or they being of any extended family member, I am sure there are people who could not agree more with me as to how she felt for them all.
I used to wonder as a child, why she is so kind, caring, loving, harmonious, and still strong. Why she doesn’t eat non-veg, why she doesn’t take onion, why no garlic, why always her clothes used to shine like new ones, why her bed was always so clean, why she had such great social discipline, individual discipline, and so on so on, the list is endless.
Why she would forgive her child who misbehaved with her, or for whom she would become a burden at some point being a widow, why she would say it didn’t matter as to how anyone treats her because at the end they are her own loving children …. and I guess She believed more in her Karma, and left other persons’ attitude or behavior on their karma, and why amidst all the hustle and bustle of life, she maintained her peace, her calm and her beautiful unbiased soul for everyone.
I never looked into the depth of her life till the time I started on my spiritual journey, my sadhana, my meditation in a rightful manner… thanks to this lockdown, I could give time to my life energies apart from my physical health. I can so strongly relate to her now.
As a kid, I didn’t understand much what she would do when she would inhale and exhale so quickly, then she would modulate her breath and do some deep breathing, she would sit in silence for a long duration without being untouched by the outside world… I could never understand the whole sadhana process, all I knew as a child that Nani is doing sadhana and we should not disturb her… But now I can relate to every action of her and every reaction of her to any situation. And I have got the answers to all these why’s and how ‘s of her life, her achievement, her amazing attitude towards life, what made her just the PERFECT SOUL. A soul so perfect and beautiful that I have not come across any till date.
The answer is yoga — SHE was a hardcore YOGI, where at that age of mine, there was hardly any mention of yogic sciences in our generation, She followed all the eight branches of yoga ( ASHTANGA YOGA) religiously and lived a life full of bliss. The eight limbs of yoga are as follows: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, and Samadhi …!!For all those who do not understand the typical Sanskrit words, I would briefly explain them in English, hoping that in case you are reading my post you would be able to understand the true essence of yoga which is much higher than just the physical health. And somewhere deep down I wish if this world is full of yogis what a beautiful place it would be to live in…!!
All the eight steps are interpenetrating and interdependent. They may appear to be different, but all lead to the same goal. As the rays of the sun are refracted to form the spectrum, so has yoga been divided into eight components which are all interwoven.
I would like to conclude it with a verse from Bhagavad Gita, where Lord Krishna advises Arjuna thus:
” tapasvibhyo ’dhiko yogī, jñānibhyo ’pi mato ’dhikaḥ, karmibhyaśh chādhiko yogī, tasmād yogī bhavārjuna”
[ The Yogi is greater than the ascetic, the learned, or the man of action; therefore, be a Yogi, Oh Arjuna.]
Bhagvad Gita